Warning sign on s͛Card Contact List


Category: Contact List

Warning Signs You Will Encounter When Storing Contact Details in s͛Card Contact List.

When you store contact details in the s͛Card contact list, whether through AI-assisted scanning of printed business card images, written contacts on napkins or rough paper, contact information from screenshots, or manual entry, the system performs various checks and verifications to ensure the integrity of the data. Here are the key warning signs you may encounter:


s͛Card contact list - red labelled


Red Label Warnings

After the verification process, some contacts may be flagged with a red label. This indicates that the contact is potentially:

Reasons for Red Labeling

Contacts may be labelled in red for several reasons, including:

User Caution

The red label serves as a warning to users to approach these contacts with caution. It is crucial to verify the authenticity of these contacts before engaging further to avoid potential risks.


For more information on our security measures and how we maintain the integrity of our contact list, you can read more here:


Stay vigilant and always verify your contacts to ensure a safe and secure networking experience with s͛Card.