Spam, Impersonation & Phishing


Category: Security

This is how we deal with Spam, Impersonation & Phishing (they):

  1. Externally, deploy eyes and ears to see and hear where they usually congregate. They also infiltrate our midst from time to time.
  2. Internally, we have intelligent workers (system bots) on duty monitoring for these fraudulent accounts or visitors every second.
  3. Users will be allowed to report anything out of place. We'll also have them assist us in identifying and reporting offenders. Guess we could call it a kampong spirit for helping keep unwanted visitors or something far worse from entering our kampong.


Their usual hang-around.

malware email
spam email to promote website or service
Spam, Brute Force attack by pre-programmed bots or software launch from hosting
Spam, Brute Force attack by pre-programmed bots or software launch from hosting

Spam smses

Most are primarily trained programmers using tools like temporary email, numbers, web hosts, connections and locations. So we know where to place our eyes on them.


These are already available in s͛Card.