Important Update for s͛Card Users: Custom Domain Feature Changes Effective September 1, 2024

Important Update for s͛Card Users: Custom Domain Feature Changes Effective September 1, 2024

Starting September 1, 2024, s͛Card's custom domain feature will be exclusive to Pro users, enhancing professional networking, boosting SEO, and ensuring serious users benefit from advanced online presence tools.

Jun 24, 2024

Starting September 1, 2025, s͛Card will discontinue the custom domain feature for Free account users. This decision reflects our commitment to enhancing our Pro account users' professional networking and online presence, who will continue to enjoy this valuable feature. Custom domain functionality is a significant asset for professionals and businesses who aim to differentiate themselves in the digital landscape.

What You Need to Know

  1. Pro Account Focus: Only Pro account users can access the custom domain feature from the specified date. This change aims to support those committed to leveraging advanced features for their professional growth.

  2. Corporate Account Exception: Free users invited to a Pro Business Management Dashboard (Corporate Account) can still access the custom domain feature. These users will not need to upgrade to an individual Pro account.

Why Custom Domains Matter

Custom domains, such as or offers several advantages that can significantly impact your online visibility and business success. Here are the key benefits:

  1. Improved Domain Authority: Linking a custom domain to s͛Card enhances your domain's authority. This synergy helps the main domain ( and your custom domain rank better in search results, boosting overall visibility.

  2. Enhanced Link Equity: Links from the main domain to your custom subdomains can transfer link equity, improving the SEO performance of your subdomains. High-quality content and sophisticated coding further enhance page quality and user engagement.

  3. Increased Trust and Credibility: A strong domain authority and good SEO practices on the main domain enhance the perceived trustworthiness of your subdomains. This can lead to higher click-through rates and better user engagement.

The Need for Change

Another reason for this change is the misuse of the custom domain feature by some Free users. These users often boost their site rankings without engaging in daily networking on s͛Card, leading to issues such as:

  • Domain Depreciation: Irresponsible use of custom domains has led to problems, including attracting suspicious crawlers and scrapers that attempt to slow down or cripple these sites.

  • Backend Strain: The misuse of custom domains has caused backend issues that, while we are prepared for, take up resources that could be better used to support severe and responsible users.

By removing the custom domain feature for Free users, we aim to ensure that those who appreciate and seriously use s͛Card for their professional networking and online presence can continue to benefit without these disruptions.

Maximising SEO Benefits

While the custom domain feature significantly boosts SEO and domain authority, each subdomain still requires targeted SEO efforts. Focus on:

By addressing these areas, you can maximise the performance of your custom subdomains and achieve optimal results.


Starting September 1, 2024, the custom domain feature will be exclusive to Pro account users, with exceptions for Free users under Corporate Accounts. This change underscores our commitment to supporting professionals and businesses who are serious about their online presence. Custom domains enhance SEO, domain authority, trust, and credibility, but targeted SEO efforts are essential for maximising benefits.

Please feel free to contact our support team if you have any questions or need more information.


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As a digital content creator for s͛Card, I capture attention and transform the ordinary into engaging digital mosaics. Whether crafting narratives, producing captivating videos, or designing visuals, my focus is on creating impactful content that resonates. Ready to elevate your digital presence? Let's turn your vision into compelling content experiences.

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