Profile Analytics


Category: What's New

In this article, we will introduce s͛Card Profile Analytics, why we have this, how to use it for your business and hiring advantage and where to find it in s͛Card.

We are in a digital era, and everything is all about data which is information. Having crucial data about your profile or the people who work for you is vital in business. A traditional printed business card only gives you three pieces of data,


But on the other hand, a digital business card can give you more.

You can get a lot more data from your s͛Card Profile Analytics and use it to your advantage in business.


You will be surprised that Profile analytics can be used in these ways.

We can go on and on with so many things you can do with the profile analytics data.

Scard Profile Analytics

Note: Both Free and Pro accounts are equipped with Profile analytics, but only Pro account users can download the data and utilise it elsewhere, like CRM or SAP.