NFC Tag Business Cards


Category: Register, Login & Use

As you know, s͛Card is a digital business card and a business networking tool that helps businesses easily move toward the digital era. s͛Card is prepared to allow users to network and share contacts with two methods. Method one is the on-device exchange, if you want to learn more about the on-device exchange, please click the link at the bottom of the page, and method two is a physical exchange we will cover in this article.

Physical Exchange is all about having a medium-form object translate or transfer something digital from one device to another device. An URL & a QR code are pieces of data, and if we do not have an electrical device that can hold and display it, it will never be able to transfer itself unless it is printed or pre-coded on a self-powered device like an NFC tag.

We have a strong background in print and fabrication of material which is why we are able to provide a digital product like s͛Card in physical forms like stickers, smart cards and smart rings so users can network and exchange their s͛Card Profile (digital business card or digital name card or virtual business card) beyond the smart device in many ways!


You can buy and use our sticker only or sticker with an NFC tag to exchange without using a single battery life of your smartphone or tablet. Our sticker comes in materials Solid White Sticker, Transparent Sticker, Matte Silver, Matte Gold, Chrome Silver, Chrome Gold, Hologram 1 & Hologram 2. You can buy only stickers packs or stickers packs with NFC Tag.

scan QR Code Tap NFC


Our Solid White Sticker is a waterproof & tear-resistant type, but it is not scratch-proof. Transparent Sticker, Matte Silver, Matte Gold, Chrome Silver, Chrome Gold, Hologram 1 & Hologram 2 is waterproof.

All our NFC tags are Anti Metal, ranging from Ntag (213, 215 or 216). It is available at our s͛Card Shop (login is required)


You can buy and use our Smart Card.

Our Wooden Cards come in 6 materials Bamboo, Beech, Sapele, Birch, Cheery & Black Walnut, and we use a material that can be recycled. We can print full-colour graphics (CMYK), including images.

Scard Wooden NFC Card


Our Smart Metal Hybrid Card comes in a matte finish, and we use materials that can be recycled. We can print full-colour graphics (CMYK), including images.



It is available at our s͛Card Shop (login is required)



Our Smart PVC Card is made of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), and we use a material that can be recycled. We can print full-colour graphics (CMYK), including images.

Scard Smart Plastic Cards


It is available at our s͛Card Shop (login is required)


Physical Exchange (Smart Card) -


You can buy our Smart Ring (NFC Enabled).

Our smart rings are made of black ceramic, and there is two NFC tag that enables you to have two Scard Profiles in it, an ID and an RFID tag that allows you to pair with your home or office smart lock as a key.


Smart Ring for Scard Smart Ring for Scard


It is available at our s͛Card Shop (login is required)



We are preparing to add these products to our s͛Card Shop.

Smart Electronic Keychain (E-paper)

- Updating the image soon


Apparel (Clothing)

- Updating the image soon


Click here to learn more about our on device exchange.


If you would like to learn more about NFC, you can visit these links