Custom Domain


Category: Register, Login & Use

Custom Domain is a function that s͛Card allows users to use their Domain, also known as website URL, to look more presentable from a branding perspective.


A normal s͛Card Profile link will be or


And if you use a custom domain, it can be or this will direct to your s͛Card profile; by using a custom domain, you will not remove any function, and everything will function the same as a normal user in s͛Card.




Our custom domain functions allow you to use your domain (URL).
For example, if you are using and bought/own this domain, you can change your profile to this domain (URL) or (if you do not have a website, you can make your Scard profile your website)


How to do it?



custom domain setting


What if you no longer want to use your domain for your s͛Card Profile

If you no longer own the domain or you have given up the ownership of the domain:


Note: on 1 Sept 2024 custom domain will not be available for all Free Account User. Read more to know more.